Mental Health during Family Formation
During the family formation phase, the sequence of events of pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare, emotional support is important. During pregnancy, obstetricians, midwives, and nurses are the professionals who provide this support. Then, from around the one-month postpartum checkup, they shift to community health nurses and pediatricians who examine the child.
Mutual communication and cooperation among these professionals is essential, and it is increasingly desirable to improve the quality of perinatal mental health care through a multidisciplinary network. To this end, we are conducting research on advanced approaches.
While childcare support after birth is of course important, we expect that support from the pregnancy period onward will be more effective in preventing abuse. We believe that it will become increasingly important to provide care not only to mothers but also to their families, including fathers.
Related Achievements
About Attachment Style Interview (ASI)
Attachment is a system of instinctive behaviors that humans are born with, an instinct to approach someone and seek a safe and secure relationship when faced with a crisis that could shake their emotional security. Attachment is key to the ability to form relationships with children, adults, and the elderly. In clinical practice and in research, it is important to know a person’s Degree of Security and attachment style. The Attachment Style Interview (ASI), developed by Professor Bifulco in the UK, is a method for assessing attachment security and style.
Attachment Style Interview Study Group
Research related to Attachment Style in Pregnant Women
- Ikeda M, Hayashi M, Kamibeppu K. The relationship between attachment style and postpartum depression.Attachment and Human Development.2014 DOI:10.1080/14616734.2014.941884
- Ikeda M, Hayashi M, Kamibeppu K. The experience of postpartum depression among mothers with withdrawn attachment style during pregnancy and the first Open Journal of Depression, 2015, 4, 61-68
Postpartum Depression Predictive Scale Japanese version(PDPI-R-J)
This scale predicts postpartum depression and incorporates risk factors from previous studies. It can be used during pregnancy and postpartum. Please contact the following address to inform us of the name of the user and the purpose of use. We will contact you for permission and inform you how to use the scale.
Ikeda M, Kamibeppu K. Measuring the risk factors for postpartum depression: development of the Japanese version of the Postpartum Depression Predictors Inventory-Revised (PDPI-R-J). BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2013; 13:112 doi:10.1186/1471-2393-13-112
Japanese version (attached separately)
Contact Person Principal Investigator Mari Ikeda(
Postpartum depression prevention program from pregnancy
- Ikeda M, Nishigaki K, Kida M, Setoyama A, Kobayashi K, Kamibeppu K. The development and feasibility study of Maternal Mental Health Promotion Program (MMHPP) for women during their pregnancy.
Worksheet materials (attached separately)
The Pregnancy Experience Scale Brief Japanese version (Japanese PES-Brief)
Children and Families with Pediatric Cancer
Pediatric cancer and brain tumor are now curable diseases about 80% of children. However, thedisease itself, required intensive treatment, traumatic experience with hospitalization, and various events on life have numerous effects on the children and their families. The effects are long-term; during treatment, after treatment, and life-long. We are conducting research using Patient-Reported Outcomes (PRO) to understand what treatment and care is desirable for them from the viewpoints and values of themselves. We are also working on research to improve communication among children with cancer, their families, and healthcare professionals.
Children and Families with Pediatric Cancer
Related Achievements
Pediatric Brain Tumor
- Nakamura H*, Takami H*, Yanagisawa T, Kumabe T, Fujimaki T, Arakawa Y, Karasawa K, Terashima K, Yokoo H, Fukuoka K, Sonoda Y, Sakurada K, Mineharu Y, Soejima T, Fujii M, Shinojima N, Hara J, Yamasaki K, Fujimura J, Yamasaki F, Takahashi M, Suzuki T, Sato I, Nishikawa R, Sugiyama K, The guideline committee in The Japan Society for Neuro-Oncology (JSNO) Task Force on Central Nervous System Germ Cell Tumors. The Japan Society for Neuro-Oncology Guideline on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Central Nervous System Germ Cell Tumors. Neuro-oncology. 2021; in press. *These authors contributed equally to this work.
- 温井めぐみ, 上田敬太, 佐藤伊織, 上久保毅, 河村淳史, 清谷知賀子, 佐藤聡美, 吉橋学, 西川亮, 原純一, 日本小児がん研究グループ脳腫瘍委員会神経心理評価小委員会. 脳と発達. 2021; 53: 436-41.
- Sato I, Higuchi A, Yanagisawa T, Murayama S, Kumabe T, Sugiyama K, Mukasa A, Saito N, Sawamura Y, Terasaki M, Shibui S, Takahashi J, Nishikawa R, Ishida Y, Kamibeppu K. Impact of late effects on health-related quality of life in survivors from pediatric brain tumors: motility disturbance of limb(s), seizure, ocular/visual impairment, endocrine abnormality, and higher brain dysfunction. Cancer Nursing: An International Journal for Cancer Care. 2014;37(6):E1.
- Sato I, Higuchi A, Yanagisawa T, Mukasa A, Ida K, Sawamura Y, Sugiyama K, Saito N, Kumabe T, Terasaki M, Nishikawa R, Ishida Y, Kamibeppu K. Cancer-specific health-related quality of life in children with brain tumors. Quality of Life Research. 2014;23(4):1059-68.
- 池田こころ, 佐藤伊織, 上別府圭子. 小児がんで入院している子どものきょうだいに対する介入 情報共有の内容とその効果に関する文献研究. 小児がん看護. 2018; 13(1): 61-73.
- Kamibeppu K, Sato I, Hoshi Y. The experience of Japanese adolescents and young adults after losing siblings to childhood cancer; Three types of narrative. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing 2015;32(3):165-77.
- 佐藤伊織, 上別府圭子. 小児がんを持つ子どものきょうだいに対する「情報提供」と「情報共有」 きょうだいへの説明に注目した文献レビュー. 小児がん. 2009;46:31-8.
- 佐藤伊織, 上別府圭子. 同胞を小児がんでなくした青年期女性の語りに見る悲哀の仕事. 児童青年精神医学とその近接領域. 2005;46:56-64.
思春期・若年成人(Adolescent and Young Adult: AYA)generation
- 半谷まゆみ, 関正史, 三谷友一, 樋渡光輝, 岩崎美和, 木村敬子, 副島尭史, 佐藤伊織, 松本公一, 康勝好, 真部淳, 高木正稔, 藤村純也, 滝田順子. 小児科スタッフが中高生以上のがん患者と関わるうえで抱えている課題に関する質問紙調査. 日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌. 2019; 56(5): 447-453.
- Soejima T, Sato I, Takita J, Koh K, Kaneko T, Inada H, Ozono S, Kamibeppu K. Do childhood cancer and physical late effects increase worries about future employment in adulthood? Cancer Reports. 2019;2:e1175.
- Sato I, Higuchi A, Yanagisawa T, Murayama S, Kumabe T, Sugiyama K, Mukasa A, Saito N, Sawamura Y, Terasaki M, Shibui S, Takahashi J, Nishikawa R, Ishida Y, Kamibeppu K. Employment status and termination among survivors of pediatric brain tumors: a cross-sectional survey. International Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2018;23:801-11.
Bone marrow transplant
- Hayakawa A, Sato I, Kamibeppu K, Ishida Y, Inoue M, Sato A, Shiohara M, Yabe H, Koike K, Adachi S, Atsuta Y, Yamashita T, Kanda Y, Okamoto S. Impact of chronic GVHD on QOL assessed using visual analogue scale in survivors after pediatric HSCT and those depending on QOL raters: a cross-sectional observational study in Japan. International Journal of Hematology. 2022; 115(1): 123-8.
- Nakajima S, Setoyama A, Sato I, Fukuchi T, Tanaka H, Inoue M, Watanabe K, Koh K, Takita J, Tokuyama M, Watanabe K, Kamibeppu K. Predictors of parental distress during acute phase of pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in Japan: A multicenter prospective study. Blood Cell Therapy. 2019;2(3):39-49.
- 石田也寸志, 佐藤伊織, 井上雅美, 早川晶, 塩原正明, 佐藤篤, 上別府圭子, 熱田由子, 山下卓也, 谷口修一. 本邦の自家/同種造血幹細胞移植後長期生存小児患者におけるQuality of Lifeに関する横断研究. 日本造血細胞移植学会雑誌. 2018; 7: 107-112.
Development of Patient-Reported Outcomes
Unlike survival time and objective examinations, patient-reported outcomes, such as quality of life (QOL) and pain from symptoms, are outcomes that should be reported by the patients themselves. We are conducting development of QOL/PRO scales, especially those for children.
Related Achievements
PedsQL Generic Core Scales - Infant version
Sato I, Soejima T, Ikeda M, Kobayashi K, Setoyama A, Kamibeppu K.
Reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory Infant Scales.
Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes, 2022; in press
PedsQL Generic Core Scales - Young adult report
- Kaneko M*, Sato I*, Soejima T, Kamibeppu K. Health-related quality of life in young adults in education, employment, or training: Development of the Japanese version of Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL) Generic Core Scales Young Adult Version. Quality of Life Research. 2014;23(7):2121-31. *these two authors contributed equally to this work.
PedsQL Brain Tumor Module
- Sato I, Higuchi A, Yanagisawa T, Mukasa A, Ida K, Sawamura Y, Sugiyama K, Saito N, Kumabe T, Terasaki M, Nishikawa R, Ishida Y, Kamibeppu K.
- Development of the Japanese version of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory Brain Tumor Module. Health & Quality of Life Outcomes. 2010;8:38.
PedsQL Transplant Module
- Kikuchi R, Mizuta K, Urahashi T, Sanada Y, Yamada N, Onuma E, Ono M, Endo M, Sato I, Kamibeppu K. Development of the Japanese version of the PedsQLTM Transplant Module. Pediatrics International. 2017;59(1):80-8.
PAT(Psychological Assessment Tool)
- Tsumura A, Okuyama T, Ito Y, Kondo M, Saitoh S, Kamei M, Sato I, Ishida Y, Kato Y, Takeda Y, Akechi T. Reliability and validity of a Japanese version of the Psychosocial Assessment Tool for families of children with cancer. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2020; 50: 296-302.
- Tanaka S, Sato I, Takahashi M, Armstrong TS, Cleeland CS, Mendoza TR, Mukasa A, Takayanagi S, Narita Y, Kamibeppu K, Saito N. Validation study of the Japanese version of M.D. Anderson Symptom Inventory Brain Tumor Module (MDASI-BT). Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2020; 50: 787-93.
Implementation of QOL/PRO measurement to clinical practice
Even though QOL/PRO measurement is imoortant, it is often difficult. Patients/children are often cognitively, physically and psychosyocially developing. Medical practitioners also seldom know how to implement and interpret the measurement. We are working to resolve these issues.
Related Achievements
Characteristics of QOL measurement/reporting
Ikeda M, Sato I, Soejima T, Setoyama A, Kobayashi K, Fukuzawa R, Kamibeppu K. Parents’ perceptions and judgment formation process of their infants’ quality of life. Open Journal of Nursing. 2020; 10: 1219-1232.
Nakajima S, Sato I, Soejima T, Koh K, Kato M, Okamoto Y, Imamura T, Maeda M, Ishida Y, Manabe A, Kamibeppu K. Comparison of child and family reports of health-related quality of life in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients after induction therapy. BMC Pediatrics. 2020; 20: 390.
Sato I, Higuchi A, Yanagisawa T, Mukasa A, Ida K, Sawamura Y, Sugiyama K, Saito N, Kumabe T, Terasaki M, Nishikawa R, Ishida Y, Kamibeppu K. Factors influencing self- and parent-reporting health-related quality of life in children with brain tumors. Quality of Life Research 2013;22(1):185-201.
Methodology and evalution of QOL/PRO implementation
Sato I, Soejima T, Ishida Y, Maeda M, Koh K, Kamibeppu K. Simple change in logistic procedure improves response rate to QOL assessment: A report from the Japan Children’s Cancer Group. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes. 2020; 4: 48.
Sato I, Sakka M, Kita S, Soejima T, Kamibeppu K. Randomized comparative study of child and caregiver responses to three software functions added to the Japanese version of the electronic Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (ePedsQL) questionnaire. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes. 2020; 4(1): 49.
Transitional support for patients with childhood-onset chronic diseases
With advancements in medical care, various challenges that patients with chronic-onset diseases faced as they enter adulthood have been focused on. Our team has been engaged in a variety of clinical practices and research aimed to support for patients' understanding of their disease and taking the initiative in disease management (Transition), and then transitioning to adult medicine at the appropriate time as their physical, psychological, and social development progresses (Transfer).
Clinical Practice
We have established a "Transitional outpatient clinic" to support understanding and managing the disease of patients with childhood-onset chronic diseases, and we continue to provide support in the clinic and conduct research on evaluation of the clinics.
From 2017 to 2019, we conducted a randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of our "Transitional outpatient clinic." We are working on providing evidence-based care where clinical practice and research collaborate.
Related Achievements
Development and validation of a Japanese version of the TRANSITION-Q
- Mayumi Morisaki-Nakamura,Seigo Suzuki,Asuka Kobayashi,Sachiko Kita,Iori Sato,Miwa Iwasaki,Yoichiro Hirata,Atsushi Sato,Akira Oka,Kiyoko Kamibeppu. Pediatrics International, 2021; 63(3): 270-78.
- Examples (total 14 items):
I answer a doctor’s or nurse’s questions.
I help to make decisions about my health.
You can purchase the Japanese version of the TRANSITION-Q from the CanChild shop.
※When you use the Japanese version of the TRANSITION-Q scale, be sure to cite the above reference.
Interview study for adolescent girls with congenital heart disease
- Mayumi Nakamura, Sachiko Kita, Ryota Kikuchi, Yoichiro Hirata, Takahiro Shindo, Nobutaka Shimizu, Ryo Inuzuka, Akira Oka, Kiyoko Kamibeppu. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 2018;38:e12-18.
Study of perception toward health care providers regarding transitional support from pediatric to adult healthcare system
- Seigo Suzuki,Sachiko Kita,Mayumi Morisaki,Ryota Kikuchi,Iori Sato,Miwa Iwasaki,Eiko Otomo,Hiromi Sekiguchi,Yoichiro Hirata,Atsushi Sato,Masahiko Sugiyama,Kiyoko Kamibeppu. Nurses’ perceptions regarding transitional care for adolescents and young adults with childhood-onset chronic diseases. Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 2020; 17(3):e12323.