Year 2025
Sakurada K, Sato I, Ikeda M, Narita Y. Mental health status and associated factors of caregivers of patients with malignant brain tumors. Journal of Neuro-Oncology. 2025. (in press)
Yamaji N, Suzuki D, Sasayama K, Nitamizu A, Yamamoto M, Ikeda M, Ota E. Training programs in communication skills for healthcare professionals caring for children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions and their families: A systematic review of healthcare professionals’ behavioral impact and children’s health outcomes. Palliative Medicine. 2025. (in press)
Kita S, Morita K, Watanabe H, Michihata N, Morisaki M, Yamaji N, Ikeda M, Yasunaga H. Suicide attempt and self-harm among hospitalized children in Japan: A nationwide inpatient database study. Global Health & Medicine. 2024; 6(6):383-393.
Year 2024
Mari Ikeda, Laura Sinko. The Promise of Photo-experiencing and Reflective Listening (PEARL) in Asian Qualitative Research. Journal of Qualitative Research, 2024; 25(2), 75-81.
Morisaki-Nakamura M, Kita S, Ikeda M, Suzuki S, Shibata-Kobayashi A, Sato I, Iwasaki M, Sato A, Hirata Y, Oka A, Kamibeppu K. Self-esteem, Independent Consciousness, and Transition Readiness in Adolescents with Childhood-onset Chronic Diseases. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology. (in press)
Sato I, Sakka M, Muramoto M, Ikeda M. Item selection using the graded response model for development of Perceived Home Management Hassles Scale. Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science. (in press)
Yui Shimoyama, Mayumi Morisaki-Nakamura, Mari Ikeda. Developing the Tolerance of Diversity Scale for Preschoolers(TDS-P): a preliminary study. The Journal of Child Helath. (in press)
Azumi Hara, Mari Ikeda, Hiroki Fukahori, Kana Kazawa, Naoki Yoshinaga. Positive Changes in Nursing Faculty Research Activities During COVID-19: Qualitative Content Analysis of Open-ended Responses to Internet Survey. Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science. (in press)
Kazawa K, Yoshinaga N, Tomotaki A, Yokota S, Nakagami G, Fukahori H, Shimpuku Y, Ikeda M, Tanaka M, Sugama J. Changes in research activity and obstructive factors among nursing researchers during the first 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study. Journal of International Nursing Research.(in press)
川端京子, 池田真理.ジェネラリスト・ナースの卓越した看護実践とその獲得に至る背景-患者のニーズに応えられたという手応えのある経験のインタビューから.日本看護科学学会誌.(in press)
Sakai S, Ikeda M, Kondo Y, Fujii A, Itabashi M. Utility of the Admission/Discharge Patient Flow Management System at the Acute Care Hospital. Journal of International Nursing Research. 2023. (in press)
田中幸子, 西垣昌和, 小山田恭子, 石橋みゆき, 池田真理, 勝田美穂, 野村陽子. 看護基礎教育における教育プログラムに必要な政策コンピテンシー~デルファイ法を用いた調査結果から~.日本看護科学学会誌. (in press)
Hamada H, Ninohei M, Yamaji N, Ota E. Effects of Interventions for Menstrual Health and Hygiene Management for Adolescent Girls: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research. Vol 28(2) (April-June, 2024) (2024.02.01. accepted)
Kita S, Sinko L, Koutra K, Saint Arnault D. Development of the Self-Assessment for Trauma Recovery Tool (START) for Survivors of Gender-based Violence: Classification using Latent Class Analysis. Psychology of Violence, 2023 (Accepted)
Anderson J.G., Chesla C.A., Fukahori H, Sakka M, Honda J, Ikeda M. Japanese and U.S. Cultural Exchange: Caring for Aging Family Members in the Community. Journal of Family Nursing. 2024;30(1):3-6.
Year 2023
Yamaji N, Kobayashi K, Hasegawa D, Ota E. Developing and evaluating a cancer communication picture book for children, families, and healthcare professionals: a mixed methods feasibility study. Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing.2023; 100345, ISSN 2347-5625. (
Kikuchi R, Sato I, Hirata Y, Sugiyama M, Iwasaki M, Sekiguchi H, Sato A, Suzuki S, Morisaki-Nakamura M, Kita S, Oka A, Kamibeppu K, Ikeda M, Kato M. Fact-finding survey of doctors at the departments of pediatrics and pediatric surgery on the transition of patients with childhood-onset chronic disease from pediatric to adult healthcare. PLOS ONE, August 10, 2023.
Oshiro R, Soejima T, Kita S, Benson K, Kibi S, Hiraki K, Kamibeppu K, Taku K. Reliability and Validity of the Japanese Version of the Short Form of the Expanded Version of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI-X-SF-J): A Cross-Sectional Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023 May 26; 20(11):5965.
清水 裕子, 池田 真理.看護管理者のマネジメント過程に沿ったがん看護専門看護師への関わり-がん看護専門看護師の理解との比較-.東京女子医科大学看護学会誌 18 (1), 1-10, 2023.
Nishio H, Ohde S, Yamaji N, Takahashi O. Factors Associated with Patients’ Ratings of Hospitals among Japanese Inpatients: A Cross-sectional Study. JMA J. 2023 Apr 14;6(2):148-155. doi: 10.31662/jmaj.2022-0176. Epub 2023 Apr 13. PMID: 37179724; PMCID: PMC10169265.
Morishita-Kawahara M, Harasawa N, Sakai S, Ikeda M, Watanabe K, Nagae H. Advance Care Planning Practice among Citizens in Japan: A Cross-Sectional Study. Japan Society for End-of-Life Care. 2023 Mar 7(1): 16-25.
Kita S, Baba K, Motegi-Iwasaki R, Kishi E, Kamibeppu K, Malmedal KW, Chan KL. Development of a Japanese version of the Family Poly-victimization Screen. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023 (Accepted)
Tobe H, Tamai N, Mugita Y, Nakai A, Nagata M, Minematsu T, Sanada S. Effect of a UV-free, carbon-arc phototherapy on eczema of a 3-year-old child: A single-case experimental study. Journal of Nursing Science and Engineering. 2023, 10:76-87.
Kita S, Ochiai K, Sato Y, Akiyama S, Abe M, Tashita K, Tanaka H, Matsumoto F, Hayashi S, Kohashi K, Tsujino K, Uchiyama K, Tsukamatsu K, Ikeda U, Ikeda M, Suzuki H. Development of the Training program on Child Abuse Prevention for Citizens (TCAP-C) and its effects and acceptability: Community-based participatory research. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022 (Accepted)
Year 2022
Tobe H, Sakka M, Kita S, Ikeda M, Kamibeppu K. The Efficacy of a Resilience-Enhancement Program for Mothers Based on Emotion Regulation: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Japan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(22):14953.
Sasaki N, Ikeda M, Nishi D. Long‑term infuence of unintended pregnancy on psychological
distress: a large sample retrospective cross‑sectional study. Archives of Women’s Mental Health. Oct 2022. DOI:10.1007/s00737-022-01273-1 -
Kita S, Kamibappu K, Saint Arnault D.“Knitting together the lines broken apart”: Recovery process to integration among Japanese survivors of intimate partner violence. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022 (Accepted, Sep 28.)
Takemura Y, Inoue M, Ichikawa N, Kida R, Koyanagi H, Ikezaki S, Ikeda M. Key strategies for managing nursing care under the COVID-19 pandemic: A multiple-case study of nursing directors. Journal of Nursing Management. Published, Oct 4, 2022.
Koutra K, Burns C, Sinko L, Kita S, Bilgin H, Saint Arnault D. Trauma recovery rubric: A mixed-method analysis of trauma recovery pathways in four countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022 (Accepted, Aug 16.)
Iwasaki T, Kou A, Harasawa N, Morishita-Kawahara M, Yamagata C, Moriya H, Ikeda M, Nagae H. Exploring the Attitudes and Needs of Advance Care Planning Practice Among the Working Generation. Tokyo Women’s Medical University Journal. July 13, 2022.
Kita S, Zeynep O, Saint Arnault D. Initial testing of components of the Cultural Determinants of Trauma Recovery (CDTR) Theory among American Gender-Based Violence survivors: Structural equation modeling. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2022; in press.
Muramoto M, Kita S, Tobe H, Ikeda M, Kamibeppu K. The association between self-compassion in the postnatal period and difficult experiences with COVID-19 pandemic-related changes during pregnancy: An observational study for women at 1 month postnatal in Japan. Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 2022; e12494.
Morisaki-Nakamura M, Suzuki S, Kobayashi A, Kita S, Sato I, Iwasaki M, Hirata Y, Sato A, Oka A, Kamibeppu K.
Efficacy of a Transitional Support Program Among Adolescent Patients With Childhood-Onset Chronic Diseases: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Pediatrics. 2022; in press. -
Sato I, Soejima T, Ikeda M, Kobayashi K, Setoyama A, Kamibeppu K.
Reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory Infant Scales.
Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes, 2022; in press -
Hayakawa A, Sato I, Kamibeppu K, Ishida Y, Inoue M, Sato A, Shiohara M, Yabe H, Koike K, Adachi S, Atsuta Y, Yamashita T, Kanda Y, Okamoto S.
Impact of chronic GVHD on QOL assessed using visual analogue scale in survivors after pediatric HSCT and those depending on QOL raters: a cross-sectional observational study in Japan. International Journal of Hematology. 2022; 115(1):123-128.
Year 2021
Nakahachi T, Ishii R, Canuet L, Sato I, Kamibeppu K, Ueda M, Ueno K, Iwase M.
Influence of mood states on the correlation between changes in oxygenated hemoglobin concentration and behavioral performance during Tetris gameplay in the frontal cortex. Cognition & Rehabilitation. 2021; 2(1): 128-30. -
Nakahachi T, Sato I, Kamibeppu K.
An attempt to maintain stable disease and QOL using Juzentaihoto during remission in a patient with recurrent residual low-grade glioma. International Medical Journal. 2021; in press. -
Wakimizu R, Fujioka H, Nishigaki K, Sato I, Iwata N, Matsuzawa A.
Development of family empowerment program for caregivers of children with disabilities at home: Interim report up to ‘Implementation of pretesting’. Journal of International Nursing Research. 2021; in press. -
Nakamura H*, Takami H*, Yanagisawa T, Kumabe T, Fujimaki T, Arakawa Y, Karasawa K, Terashima K, Yokoo H, Fukuoka K, Sonoda Y, Sakurada K, Mineharu Y, Soejima T, Fujii M, Shinojima N, Hara J, Yamasaki K, Fujimura J, Yamasaki F, Takahashi M, Suzuki T, Sato I, Nishikawa R, Sugiyama K, The guideline committee in The Japan Society for Neuro-Oncology (JSNO) Task Force on Central Nervous System Germ Cell Tumors.
The Japan Society for Neuro-Oncology Guideline on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Central Nervous System Germ Cell Tumors. Neuro-oncology. 2021; in press. *These authors contributed equally to this work. -
Sakai S, Nagae H, Miyashita M, Harasawa N, Iwasaki T, Katayama Y, Takenouchi S, Ikeda M, Ito M, Tamura K.
Developing an instrument to assess the readiness for advance care planning. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2021 Oct. -
Kita S, Sato I, Sakka M, Soejima T, Kamibeppu K.
Does the use of childcare services reduce the impact of intimate partner violence on the quality of life of children?: Multiple-group structural equation modeling. Applied Research in Quality of Life. 2021; 16: 1825-45. -
Morisaki-Nakamura M, Suzuki S, Kobayashi A, Kita S, Sato I, Iwasaki M, Hirata Y, Sato A, Oka A, Kamibeppu K.
Development and validation of a Japanese version of the Transition-Q. Pediatrics International. 2021; 63, 270-8. -
Sakka M, Kita S, Sato I, Soejima T, Eguchi H, Tokita M, Yamamoto-Mitani N, Shimazu A, Kamibeppu K.
Reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the Caregiving Interface Work Scale in employed Japanese family caregivers.
Geriatrics & Gerontology International. 2021; 21: 254-61. -
温井めぐみ, 上田敬太, 佐藤伊織, 上久保毅, 河村淳史, 清谷知賀子, 佐藤聡美, 吉橋学, 西川亮, 原純一,
日本小児がん研究グループ脳腫瘍委員会神経心理評価小委員会. 脳と発達. 2021; 53: 436-41.