Research Achievements

Social Activities

Social Activities

Year 2024

  • Promoting Family Strength. U Tokyo-NTU Joint Conference, November 28, 2024, The University of Tokyo. Japan

    Mari Ikeda. Opening and Closing Remarks, Introduction of UTokyo Living Lab – Mejirodai Project

    Mayumi Morisaki-Nakamura. Transitional Support for Pediatric to Adult Healthcare Systems for Adolescents with Childhood-onset Chronic Diseases.

    Iori Sato. Moderator (Session I Perinatal Care for Mother and Child in the Community)

  • 東京女子医科大学女性医療人キャリア形成センター看護職キャリア開発支援部門主催「ケアの意味をみつめる事例研究セミナー」

    池田真理. 東京女子医科大学女性医療人キャリア形成センター看護職キャリア開発支援部門主催「ケアの意味をみつめる事例研究セミナー」講師. 2024年11月16日. 東京女子医科大学総合外来センター

  • Lecture at Ewha Womans University, Korea. Theory and Practice of Trauma-Informed Experience Sampling Method for Capturing Daily Experiences and Emotions through Photographs.

    Mari Ikeda. Lecture at Ewha Womans University, Korea. Theory and Practice of Trauma-Informed Experience Sampling Method for Capturing Daily Experiences and Emotions through Photographs. November 15th. Ewha Womans University, Korea.

  • Child Attachment Style Interview-Japanese Training Course 2 and 3

    Mari Ikeda. Child Attachment Style Interview-Japanese Training Course 2 and 3. ASI-J. November 9 – 10, 2024. Online.

  • 「新生児訪問指導と乳児家庭全戸訪問事業の現状と課題」日本産婦人科学会等のご報告

    池田真理. 自由集会24「新生児訪問指導と乳児家庭全戸訪問事業の現状と課題」日本産婦人科学会等のご報告. 第83回日本公衆衛生学会総会, 2024年10月30日, 北海道札幌市.

  • Child Attachment Style Interview-Japanese Training Course 1. ASI-J.

    Mari Ikeda. Child Attachment Style Interview-Japanese Training Course 1. ASI-J. October 13, 2024. Online.

  • Attachment Style Interview Japanese Training Course 2 and 3 ASI-J.

    Mari Ikeda. Attachment Style Interview-Japanese Training Course 2 and 3 ASI-J. July 13 – 14, 2024. Online.

  • Attachment Style Interview Japanese Training Course 1. ASI-J.

    Mari Ikeda. Attachment Style Interview-Japanese Training Course 1. ASI-J. June 16, 2024. Online.

  • Basic knowledge of ACHD required for multidisciplinary professionals 5: Basic knowledge for patient education. 30th Adult Congenital Heart Diseases seminar

    Mayumi Morisaki (Moderator). Session 4: Basic knowledge of ACHD required for multidisciplinary professionals 5: Basic knowledge for patient education. 30th Adult Congenital Heart Diseases seminar. Japanese Society for Adult congenital Heart Disease. June 8, 2024, online

  • Intimate partner violence against pregnant women and their children: Basic knowledge on detection and response.

    Sachiko Kita. Intimate partner violence against pregnant women and their children: Basic knowledge on detection and response. Tokyo Women’s Plaza, March 12, 2024, Online.

  • Japan Society of Private Colleges and Universities of Nursing, Research Seminar.

    Noyuri Yamaji. Japan Society of Private Colleges and Universities of Nursing, Research Seminar. Online. February 3, 2024.

  • Cochrane Japan Title Registration Workshop. St. Luke’s International University.

    Noyuri Yamaji. Cochrane Japan Title Registration Workshop. St. Luke’s International University. January 27, 2024.

  • Intimate partner violence against pregnant women and their children: Basic knowledge on detection and response. Japan Academy of Midwifery.

    Sachiko Kita. Practice of a Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) to prevent child abuse in the community. The Kyushu University, January 9, 2024, Online.

Year 2023

  • Intimate partner violence against pregnant women and their children: Basic knowledge on detection and response. Japan Academy of Midwifery.

    Sachiko Kita. Intimate partner violence against pregnant women and their children: Basic knowledge on detection and response. Japan Academy of Midwifery. Tokyo, October 9, 2023.

  • Intimate partner violence against pregnant women and their children: Basic knowledge on detection and response.

    Sachiko Kita. Intimate partner violence against pregnant women and their children: Basic knowledge on detection and response. The Koto-city office, September 25, 2023.

  • Prevention and termination of the transmission of violence. Japanese Red Cross Akita College of Nursing (Online).

    Sachiko Kita.“Prevention and termination of the transmission of violence: Mixed method study on trauma recovery after Gender-based violence (GBV)”.  Japanese Red Cross Akita College of Nursing. Online. September 4, 2023.

    Sachiko Kita. “Prevention and termination of the transmission of violence: Development of the Training program for Child Abuse Prevention for Citizen (TCAP-C) using a community-based participatory research approach”. Japanese Red Cross Akita College of Nursing, Online. September 4, 2023.

  • Intimate partner violence against pregnant women and their children: Basic knowledge on detection and response. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

    Sachiko Kita. Intimate partner violence against pregnant women and their children: Basic knowledge on detection and response. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Online. July 31, 2023.

  • Cochrane Japan Title Registration Workshop.

    Noyuri Yamaji. Cochrane Japan Title Registration Workshop. Online. July 27, 2023.

  • “Family and Health in a Stratified Society: Understanding the Transmission of Domestic Violence.” The 22nd Japan Academy of Nursing Science Seminar.

    Sachiko Kita. “Family and Health in a Stratified Society: Understanding the Transmission of Domestic Violence.” The 22nd Japan Academy of Nursing Science Seminar. July 23, 2023.

  • Ishikawa Prefectural College of Nursing, Introduction to Child and Family Health and Welfare.

    Sachiko Kita. Preventing and Ending Family Violence: Research on Child Abuse Prevention. Ishikawa Prefectural College of Nursing, Introduction to Child and Family Health and Welfare. July 4, 2023, Online.

  • “That nursing is amazing! Let’s give a name to ”. The 19th Annual Meeting of Japan Academy of Critical Care Nursing.

    Mari Ikeda. “That nursing is amazing! Let’s give a name to ”. The 19th Annual Meeting of Japan Academy of Critical Care Nursing. Tower Hall Funabori. July 2, 2023.

  • “Training on Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) during pregnancy.” Workshop hosted by the 31st Annual Meeting of the Fukuoka Society of Maternal Hygiene

    Sachiko Kita. “Training on Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) during pregnancy.” Workshop hosted by the 31st Annual Meeting of the Fukuoka Society of Maternal Hygiene, July 2, 2023, Fukuoka, Fukuoka.

  • Conversations and Communication for Family Healing. 16th International Family Nursing Pre-Conference Workshops (IFNC16).

    Mari Ikeda. Moderator
    Oral Session: Conversations and Communication for Family Healing. 16th International Family Nursing Pre-Conference Workshops (IFNC16). June 21, 2023.

  • Lectures at Tokyo Women’s Medical University, School of Nursing

    Mari Ikeda.  “Introduction to Family Nursing” and “Basic Theory of Family Nursing”. Lectures at Tokyo Women’s Medical University, School of Nursing (Junior students), June 6, 2023.

  • Nursing Research Seminar, Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences

    Sachiko Kita. Theory and practice of a mixed-method study: Research on trauma recovery process after gender-based violence. Nursing Research Seminar, Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences, June 1, 2023. Online.

  • Lecture at Kobe University, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Science

    Mayumi Morisaki. “Pediatric Nursing”. Lecture at Kobe University, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Science (Junior students), Oneline, May 18, 2023.

  • Attachment Style Interview Japanese Training Course.

    Mari Ikeda. Attachment Style Interview-Japanese Training Course 1. ASI-J. May 7, 2023. Online.

  • 第10回家族看護学研究セミナー

    キタ幸子. 家族看護における混合研究法の可能性―ジェンダーに基づく暴力のリカバリープロセスに関する研究を一例に―. 第10回家族看護学研究セミナー, 2023年3月19日, オンライン.

Year 2022

  • Taipei Medical University Online Outbound Program. 2022.

    Hiromi Tobe. Our New Challenge, Global Nursing Research Center. Taipei Medical University Online Outbound Program. 2022. July 22, 2022, Taipei Medical University (Online).

  • 健康ハートの日インタビュー企画「心臓病をもってはたらく; 知ってほしい先天性心疾患のいま」

    健康ハートの日インタビュー企画「心臓病をもってはたらく; 知ってほしい先天性心疾患のいま」(8月10から公開. 日本心臓財団、日本循環器学会、日本循環器協会の共催)

    インタビューアー: 森﨑真由美

    心臓病をもってはたらく 知ってほしい先天性心疾患のいま | 健康ハートの日 (

  • 2022年度東京都予防支援事業研修プログラム

    キタ幸子. 妊娠中の母親と子どもへのDV―発見と対応の基礎知識―. 2022年度東京都予防支援事業研修プログラム, 2022年7月14日, 東京都世田谷区. 

  • 2022年度静岡県三島市健康づくり課勉強会

    戸部浩美. 早期不適応的スキーマ形成の予防について~メンタルヘルス不調の一次予防の視点で取り組むマルトリートメント対策~. 2022年度静岡県三島市健康づくり課勉強会, 2022年6月20日, 静岡県三島市.


    戸部浩美. 早期不適応的スキーマ形成の予防について~メンタルヘルス不調の一次予防の視点で取り組むマルトリートメント対策~. 2022年度静岡県三島市健康づくり課勉強会, 2022年7月13日, 静岡県三島市.

Year 2021

  • アタッチメント・スタイル面接・日本語版(ASI-J)研究会

    ASI子ども版(Child ASI)トレーニングセミナー1(2021年10月31日, オンライン開催)
